Company | Promasys (not operating) |
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No operating
Promasys has a library of over 60 reports, including case report/record forms, data entry progress reports, audit trail reports, among many others. It also has the ability to periodically sent out PDF versions of these reports to e-mail recipients. In addition, all reports can be customized to suit the needs of the sponsor or investigator.
Easy export to SAS and other statistical packages
Integration with HL7 lab systems and quality controlled entry of lab results. Printing of Barcodes for sample tracking.
Unicode support for all languages (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
Promasys does support paper-based trials through generation of data collection forms, drug administration forms
MEDDRA, WHODD, ATCDDD databases can be loaded into Promasys. Once loaded, they can be used to code events and concomitant medication
Supports automatic import of data through an HL7 connection
This system is not CDISC ODM certified at this time.